Cooper Smith was sponsored in the National Jr. Optimist Club Golf Tournament in Florida.

Each year the Optimist Club of Jasper recognizes a senior who is a Pickens County resident at each fully accredited high school in Pickens County for their citizenship. This award is named in memory of our charter president, Von J. Hinton. Teachers in each school nominate who they think should receive the citizenship award based on the criteria provided by the club. This criteria includes
1. The student should be cooperative and contribute to the success of his/her fellow students.
2. The student should demonstrate school spirit by being interested in the success of their school in general.
3. Although this student may not be the most athletically or academically talented, he/she should be recognized by his/her peers for a positive outlook and general optimism.
4. The student should have contributed to good discipline and study habits in his/her class.
5. The student should have generally done his/her best.
6. The student should demonstrate that they help those in need in the school and/or the community.