Friend of Youth

The Jasper Optimist Club of Jasper was formed in 1981 and over the past 30 plus years has been part of the local community to bring out the best in Pickens County kids.
We meet at 12:00 p.m. on the first and third Thursday of the month at 61 Main restaurant on South Main Street in downtown Jasper. Guests and new members always welcome!
Inclement weather policy: If Pickens County Schools close due to inclement weather, then our meeting is cancelled.
We hold three major fundraisers each year: Pecan sale in November/December, 5K Flapjack Run in June, and our annual Scholarship Golf Tournament in May. All money raised goes back into our community to help our youth.

Mission, Vision, Purpose

Mission Statement
By providing hope and positive vision, Optimists bring out the best in youth, our communities and ourselves.
Vision Statement
Optimist International will be recognized worldwide as the premier volunteer organization that values all children and helps them develop to their full potential.
Purposes of an Optimist Club
To develop optimism as a philosophy of life, utilizing the tenets of the Optimist Creed;
To promote an active interest in good government and civic affairs;
To inspire respect for the law;
To promote patriotism and work for international accord and friendship among all people;
To aid and encourage the development of youth, in the belief that the giving of one’s self in service to others will advance the well-being of humankind, community life and the world.
Optimist Club of Jasper
P.O. Box 22
Jasper, Ga. 30143
For information feel free to contact any of our members or officers listed below.

Our president Tucker Green kicking off our new year.
Officers are:
President 2023-2024 – Tucker Green
VP/President Elect – Donna Enis
2nd Vice President – Jennifer Halko
Secretary – Jane Pass
Treasurer – Susan White
Past President – Hayden Pass
Directors: Sue Appleton, Rodney Buckingham, Trip Edwards, Stacy Godfrey, Richard Vaughn, and Anita Walker
Optimist Club of Jasper Foundation Trustees: Reeder Burch, Jack Hollis, Mark Mitton, Sue Nunn and Gary Reece
Meetings are held the first and third Thursdays at noon at 61 Main. Guests and new members are welcome! Come join the most optimistic group in Pickens County and support the youth of our community!
For more information, search Facebook for Optimist Club of Jasper GA.
Photos by Gene Berry